I just thought it would be nice that I could meet boys and/or gilz from Russia ...
I am a guy and student here and I finished education so if you want to come to Sousse I am here available to show you some good palces (monastir, port el kanataoui ....) and some Kharasho advices and secrets about this country ! ...
( I only speak english )
Just shut the **** up Mr Saidlove ! , If you wanna flame and make all eyes on you from my first post !
I said only english and I followed Forum rules to have freinds as th topic saying it , I used a translator.
being a dickhead , I would ban you if I was moderator here.
Also learn how to respect people. or come to see me in other Programming forums to respect me! or come to Sousse to see me either so you can respect.
samir_sousse писал(а):Just shut the **** up Mr Saidlove ! , If you wanna flame and make all eyes on you from my first post !
I said only english and I followed Forum rules to have freinds as th topic saying it , I used a translator.
being a dickhead , I would ban you if I was moderator here.
Also learn how to respect people. or come to see me in other Programming forums to respect me! or come to Sousse to see me either so you can respect.
Е ничего себе!
тут русский форум! НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ!!!!!!!!!!!ПОнял меня!
لا رس غب اثؤؤقتر
samir_sousse писал(а):Just shut the **** up Mr Saidlove ! , If you wanna flame and make all eyes on you from my first post !
I said only english and I followed Forum rules to have freinds as th topic saying it , I used a translator.
being a dickhead , I would ban you if I was moderator here.
Also learn how to respect people. or come to see me in other Programming forums to respect me! or come to Sousse to see me either so you can respect.
hehe...here everytime same that... not respect noone... but here we have some nice and good persons... but not so much. so pity, but it's true
Assalam Alykom warahmat Allah wabarakatohou.
Malakni hawak wala akdar habeebi if yoam ansaak. Dah inta habeebi wi monaya illi dawibni.
Listen road...!!! Here and many you do not understand the majority of Russian...
What by it to do??? You do not consider it disrespect???
Can in the Arabian language we shall start to talk??? The Internet for all...
But here there is no word only!!!
And you of the Anise join! Give on Arabian too.! You know pair words on Arabian! Give we shall make here dialogue!!!
Let the majority does not understand, well and what yes???
Yes... Not respect...! (((
lovesaid писал(а):
Listen road...!!! Here and many you do not understand the majority of Russian...
What by it to do??? You do not consider it disrespect???
Can in the Arabian language we shall start to talk??? The Internet for all...
But here there is no word only!!!
And you of the Anise join! Give on Arabian too.! You know pair words on Arabian! Give we shall make here dialogue!!!
Let the majority does not understand, well and what yes???
Yes... Not respect...! (((
learn english or change your translator... because all what you wrote - ununderstandable...
Далуу напишу вам на русском, ибо вы плохо на английском понимаете, как стало видно. В правилах не сказано, что на форуме обязательно общаться ТОЛЬКО на русском языке. Если вы так против - не значит что и все остальные тоже. Прекратите вести себя как в детском саду, когда слова не поняли - и злитесь на всех на свете. Лучше учите английский и старайтесь быть с людьми добрее и вежливее, а не посылать всех и вся только из за того, что человек не знает вашего языка
Assalam Alykom warahmat Allah wabarakatohou.
Malakni hawak wala akdar habeebi if yoam ansaak. Dah inta habeebi wi monaya illi dawibni.
samir_sousse писал(а):Sorry I don't get what ya meaning there saidlove and I would give thnhks To Anisa
I think ther's is no such racism unless people would create it from misundestood , random behaviour or prejudice ...
Poetry : " I wake up in the morning and ask even worse Am black , should I blast my self ?"
I am off here
Peace and Love Y'all
Thankx for thanx! Don't look at this people... they same some people in those rusland - hate people who don't speak at those lenguage... becouse they don't learn it... sorry about them...
Assalam Alykom warahmat Allah wabarakatohou.
Malakni hawak wala akdar habeebi if yoam ansaak. Dah inta habeebi wi monaya illi dawibni.
I just thought it would be nice that I could meet boys and/or gilz from Russia ...
I am a guy and student here and I finished education so if you want to come to Sousse I am here available to show you some good palces (monastir, port el kanataoui ....) and some Kharasho advices and secrets about this country ! ...
( I only speak english )
And for Sheryl I think that english is an international language common in forums .
I speak english arabic german and french,I have master in international trade high level at university here in Tunisia w study in french because France colonized us and it's good ! :p
but I want to learn Russian too , I know one good word : STOBER hahahha